Friday, December 6, 2019


Our love to both of you. If I may say so in my broken voice, Pujya Swamiji and Pujya Sadhviji are real embodiments of love and devotion. I would only ever stay here again. A good vibration of being in an ashram. The accomodation, the environment is very good and peaceful. Your desires and expectations are heavy baggage, which slows you down and thwarts your progress. paramdham darshan video

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An absolute spiritual experience. The yagna was profound. So much that, I felt like joining them immediately!!

It gives immense peace to be here always. Love the peace and amazing people so good, so helpful and friendly. Location and ambiance of the ashram is beautiful.

paramdham darshan video

The environment of the ashram and the beautiful Ganga Aarti definitely made a mark on parakdham and I feel like something inside me has changed. The energy of the place is absolutely divine. Fell in love with my roots and culture all over again! Got to meet Swamiji, an eternal feeling. We feel the genuine love from everyone.

His approach to Swachhata is in itself a purifying experience for those meeting him. It is not enough to forgive and forget. It's a satvik dardhan.

paramdham darshan video

The first night ddarshan Aarti, we were brought to sit close to the fire. Please submit your information below: We are taking along with us very good and life-long memories. I would only ever stay here again.

Jana ai hame apne Paramdham

One must also move on. Each moment was blissful. Darshan of Guruji Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji — his voice and presence is very inspiring and divine. God's own divine place. Mother Ganga gives peace for the whole of mankind. Today's topics included whether or not perceptions affect Truthand the d… https: Darshan of Swamiji always gives inspiration to live life with peace. Click here to learn more!

Videos - Paramdham Darshan

The Ganges river looks beautiful in the backdrop paramdhaam flames of devotional fire. Download the Calendar Satsang after the Aarti cleared all my doubts.

paramdham darshan video

Please convey our respects and dashan to Sadhviji. Enter Email Confirm Email. A number one, top of the bucket list must visit!! Life As Prayer Making every minute, every moment prayer, connecting us to the Divine.

Shree Swaminarayan Mandir - Vadtal

The rishikumars are so pure and pious. Please submit your information below:. I loved waking up to the name of God in the mornings and ending the day in with Ganga Aarti.

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