Friday, November 29, 2019


As a local reseller you can sell credit to users of all Dellmont products. Yes No Reseller List Texts The Reseller list is a list with resellers that customers see when they choose the 'local reseller' option for buying credit. The short description is shown in the list of resellers next to the resellers' username. Create your local reseller account Username: Detailed Description The detailed description is shown when a customer clicks on the details link in the list of resellers. More info on the reselling of credit 1. In this longer text of characters you can write about your offers and how customers can contact you. smslisto voip

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Detailed Description The detailed description is shown when a customer clicks on the details link in the list of resellers.

By clicking "Yes" you will be added to the Local reseller list for the country you live in. Reseller List Texts The Reseller list is a list with resellers that customers see when they choose the 'local reseller' option for buying credit. Here you can change your short description and detailed description.

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As a local reseller you can sell credit to users of all Dellmont products. Our customers have the option to buy credit from local resellers under the "buy credit" option after they login into their personal myaccount.

More info on the reselling of credit 1.

Short Description The short description is shown in the list of resellers next to the resellers' username. Yes No Reseller List Texts The Reseller list is a list with resellers that customers see when they choose the 'local reseller' option for buying credit.

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The short description is shown in the list of resellers next to the resellers' username. Do you want to be a listed local reseller?

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By clicking "No" you will not be added to the Local reseller list and users will not approach you. You will have to decide whether you want our customers to approach you through the local reseller list, or that you want to create your own group of customers pro-actively. Create your local reseller account Username: It is a short text of 30 characters for a short selling message; Why customers should choose you als their local reseller.

Listed or not Do you want to be a listed local reseller? By becoming a local reseller you can set up your own business by selling VoIP credit to our customers and to customers of your own.

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I have read the license agreementterms of use and privacy policy and I accept the conditions.: More info on the reselling of credit. Click here if you can't read the letters.

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The detailed description is shown when a customer clicks on the details link in the list of resellers. The Reseller list is a list with resellers that customers see when they smslistl the 'local reseller' option for buying credit. In this longer text of characters you can write about your offers and how customers can contact you.

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